Here to spread the light


The world is plagued by distractions that condition the mind to stray from the present. These distractions have little to do with what matters to us, and everything to do with the anxiety and depression we suffer. Many use harmful coping strategies to escape the pain of this unnatural existence. Our collective bad habits create a miserable status quo.

  • 47% of the population is on high blood pressure medication.

  • An estimated two thirds of population is pre or full diabetic.

  • 1 in 6 people are on prescription psyche meds.

  • Many more self medicate.

  • 50% of the population is overweight.


Teach interested individuals a non ideological process for controlling the attention. This process is a self guided method for entering the natural psychological state where enjoyment occurs, called Flow.

Flow gives the individual access to a vast reservoir of problem solving energy. This natural energy reduces the urge to escape hard moments through bad habits. Overtime, a an upwards spiral of growing mental control and physical power provides the problem solving energy to overcome increasingly difficult challenges.

This virtuous cycle allows the individual to pursue a purpose greater than themselves while enjoying every moment. The example such individuals provide to others transforms the status quo.


  • Action allows us to enjoy life by purifying the worry caused by useless thinking.

  • A still mind is man and woman’s true state of being where joy and intelligence naturally occurs.

  • Self knowledge is using our own experience as the basis for knowing what’s true.

  • Fitness is the finest gift man and woman can give themselves.

  • Nature is the true manifestation of life on Earth.

I'm Jack Ing Guide & Course Creator

I'm an expert cyclist and long time mind-body fitness instructor. My greatest talent is making complex ideas easy to understand and simple to put into practice.

I was introduced to the mind-body connection at Dr. Herbert Benson’s Mind Body Medical Institute in the early 90’s. My profound experience there set me on a life long journey to study the mind-body connection and eventually teach it to others.

Along the way I became an ACE certified personal trainer working with people in gyms as well as private practice.

My training work led me to the International Inline Skating Association's certified instructor program. The IISA recognized my teaching talent and hired me to train and certify instructors. In due course, I developed an advanced curriculum for the organization.

A significant milestone in my mind-body journey was my exposure to the Flow process. My ever growing Flow skills have formed the basis of my course development work ever since.