The enjoyment process

“We’re all pilgrims on the same journey, but some pilgrims have a better road map.”

— Best Selling Author Nelson DeMille

  • We mapped the Flow process to keep you on track as you learn to use it.

  • The route might look complicated at first glance. It’s not.

  • It’s one common sense step at a time.

  • Identity influences thinking.

  • Peak experience begins when extraneous thinking ends.

  • Focusing on actions ends extraneous thinking.

  • Focused attention is the definition of Flow.

  • Game rules force you to focus on the challenge at hand.

  • Making activities a game creates enjoyment on command.

  • Thoughts occur in the attention and control actions.

  • Finer attention control improves actions concentrating energy.

  • Concentrated energy creates better results in less time.

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