Welcome to Flow Club

“Identity is this incredible invisible force that controls your whole life…”

— Speaker & Coach Tony Robbins

The identity isn’t an artificial persona. It’s a guide to being your authentic self.

  • Action creates enjoyment.

  • Ing means action. Guide means lead.

  • You lead your action, so you’re an IngGuide. Surprise!

  • Distractions weaken mind-body skills.

  • Weak mind-body skills allow stress to accumulate.

  • Accumulated stress degrades health and enjoyment.

  • Strong mind-body skills dissolve stress restoring health.

  • Unconscious conditioning blocks enjoyment.

  • Most people habitually entertain aimless thoughts.

  • Aimless thinking about the past or future disturbs the present.

  • Practicing the process stops disruptive thinking.

  • Restricting behavior to meet a goal doesn’t work long term.

  • Good behavior is abandoned once the goal is reached.

  • Enjoying a behavior for itself creates effortless self discipline.

  • Leadership is discipline applied to serve a purpose.

Enjoyment is a game